Alternatives to Wikipedia

It is a well-known fact that having a Wikipedia page dedicated to your name, brand or company is a great way to boost your online reputation. Just know that there may be several negatives that go along with every positive on the internet. Over the course of this blog, I am going to explain several different online-based encyclopedias that you could use just as easily as Wikipedia.

The Background

It is no wonder that Wikipedia has received so much bad publicity lately, touting itself as the online encyclopedia that everyone can edit”. After all, it is difficult to believe that millions of anonymous users will reliably manage a factual and impartial living encyclopedia. Wikipedia is a non-profit platform run by hundreds of volunteers, but a competent writer/editor has the expertise and knowledge of very few of these volunteers. As common consensus replaces cold, hard evidence, a cultural bias has seemed to have washed over many entries on the web. There is also an issue of vandalism that the site is vulnerable to. These issues and many of the volunteers’ almost obsessive actions (try putting an external connection on the web without deleting it has led people to other sources of knowledge. Try the seven alternatives to Wikipedia mentioned below if you’re searching for a different form of an online encyclopedia.


Scholarpedia is a site made up of the same software as Wikipedia’s MediaWiki. It almost seems like a place with a mirror, but there are some essential variations. Scholarpedia is composed of academics; you guessed it. Before such subjects are allocated, experts must either be invited or elected. While the platform is still editable by anyone like a wiki, changes must first be accepted before they are made final. Not only does this ensure that all data added to the web is correct and credited to an author, but vandalism never becomes a problem as well.


Citizendium is a wiki that aims to be a compromise between Wikipedia’s free-for-all and the strict oversight accompanying Scholarpedia. In the hope of building on Wikipedia’s model, one of Wikipedia’s creators, Larry Sanger, developed Citizendium. All posts are subject to review by the site’s editorial staff, with what the site refers to as ‘gentle supervision.’ There will be an accompanying warning for articles that have not been accepted, which discourages people from taking potentially misleading information to heart. Also, unlike Wikipedia, you must register under your real name to become a contributor. Be advised that this website is still in beta form; Wikipedia is rapidly becoming a popular alternative, one that Sanger thinks would “probably succeed.”

Encyclopedia Britannica Online

This platform is the best choice when it comes to trusted and unbiased facts. Here, in addition to multimedia features and a quick search tool, every volume of the Encyclopedia Brittanica has been transferred to the Web format. Experts make updates to the site’s posts since this is not a wiki community. The only downside of this site is that it’s not open. There is a subscription fee of $69.95 a year to have complete access to Encyclopedia Britannica Online. However, this is a sound investment for learners, as the annual price is considerably cheaper than purchasing the encyclopedic collection in book form. When referencing information in a research paper, significant institutions would recognize the site as a credible source, something Wikipedia can’t say.

MSN Encarta

Another online encyclopedia is MSN Encarta, which bypasses the issues plaguing Wikipedia. Professionals have written and fact-checked all submissions, and the site will never be vandalized. However, this site includes a subscription fee, much like Encyclopedia Britannica Online. You can use MSN Encarta in its entirety for $29.95 a year, including the site’s accompanying thesaurus, a world atlas, and other student study resources.


Infoplease is a free online encyclopedia that is a part of Pearson Education, which is the world’s largest educational book distributor. All of the information used on the web, such as the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia and the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, is gathered from reputable sources. While, compared to Wikipedia, entries can be restricted in size, you can be sure that all the material is correct and unable to be manipulated by outside users. Infoplease also has several multimedia features that support scientists, particularly students attending distance education courses.


Conservapedia is a conservative wiki encyclopedia inspired by Christians, founded as a response to the perceived left-wing bias of Wikipedia. The content found on this site is free from bad words, sexual subjects, and everything else that the site’s editorial staff considers offensive. If you feel that Wikipedia shows a clear bias towards liberal opinions, your needs may be addressed. All users of Conservapedia are asked to observe the seven commandments of the web.


Uncyclopedia is Wikipedia’s ambitious parody. “This could be seen as an over-the-top reaction to Wikipedia users who seem to take the website way too seriously, also known as “Wikipedians. The comparisons between the two pages are uncanny and well-executed, from the home page’s emblem to the formatting of each post. However, make no mistake. Nothing should be taken as a fact on Uncyclopedia, which could be another shot at the occasional inaccuracy of Wikipedia. If you are fed up with the many flaws of Wikipedia and want a good laugh, check out this satirical website.


With mirror versions available in 251 languages, Wikipedia is one of the most popular Web sites globally. Nevertheless, due to shortcomings in its open-content scheme, Wikipedia’s effect has been a menacing one at times. Comedian/actor Sinbad was wrongly declared dead on his Wikipedia page, for instance, on March 10, 2007. This news was taken as truth and spread rapidly, even informing the family and friends of Sinbad. Several other alternatives, including the seven sites mentioned above, even though the article may be a good starting point for study. As the opponents of Wikipedia rise in numbers, so do online encyclopedias with more robust business models and editorial staff. Knowing which to use can significantly increase your online reputation in certain circles.

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