Possible Major Problems with Your Web Content

Does it seem like you are having significant problems with your web content? Is your blog a little less successful than you hoped it would be? The path to becoming a great writer is no easy task. This is the reason that you must study the ways in which you can optimize yourself as a content creator in order to maximize your efforts and grow your reputation online.

Over the course of this article, I intend to some of the major problems that many people are having with their web content. I will also show you the ways in which you can improve and change your style in order to realize your full potential. If you stop making the significant mistakes that I will address below, you will be setting yourself up for a successful future as a content creator.

No Central Goal

Indeed, you have encountered a blog post that is seemingly about nothing. There is no cohesive goal. I tend to see this happen a lot while I am reading blog posts. The majority of the time, these problems arise when businesses do not take the time to invest in a copywriter or someone that has extensive knowledge in SEO (search engine optimization).

When you are writing your article, you need to make sure that you can answer the following two questions with confidence.

  1. Does my article give my readers all the information they will need without having them look for more information?
  2. What, exactly, is my reader getting out of their time spent reading my article over the hundreds of other articles like it?

Inadequate Page Structure

At the end of the day, the culprit that is holding your page back from attracting more readers is a straightforward issue. One such thing is accessibility. It would help if you made sure that your readers are able to read your article no matter what platform they are on. With the rise of mobile technology, more and more readers are migrating away from the fixed location of a desktop computer. Ensuring that mobile, laptop, desktop, and tablet readers can all read your content is paramount. They need to be able to find the answers they are looking for quickly and efficiently.

The best piece of advice that I can give you is to make sure you do a lot of research on a topic prior to writing a single word about it. Below is a general flow process that you should consider.

  1. Research your keywords on all the major search engines.
  2. Create a spreadsheet with the top 10 terms.
  3. Examine how other articles look on the first page of Google.
  4. Attempt to find low competition keywords.
  5. Create up to 10 working titles for your article.
  6. Outline your subtopics.
  7. Narrow down your working titles.
  8. Create infographics if necessary.
  9. Print out a hard copy or share it with coworkers to check for grammatical or spelling errors.

Great Ideas

You will want to sit down for an hour and come up with a blog post list. This can be done anytime you have a few minutes of free time. You will want to decide on a niche. Let’s take beauty masks as an example. Navigate to your favourite search engine and head to Pinterest. Typing beauty masks in the search bar will give you a plethora of subtopics. Write these all down or put them on some sort of document. Now, head over to Google and use your niche topic with one of your subtopics. There is a section on the first page that shows what people are asking. Take these questions and create your blog around answering their questions.

Outdated Content

As a blogger or copywriter, you are going to have to continue to update your information. I am not telling you that you have to go back to all of your older posts and make the changes. I am saying that when something new happens that you previously wrote about, it is time to write a new blog about it. This new blog will do two things. Number one, it will supersede your older post. Number two it will show that you are an authority in the field you are discussing. In other words, it will prove to search engines that you are on top of changing trends. Remember, when you rewrite an article, you are going to want it to be original. Merely copying the old post and making a few minor changes will be a duplicate entry as far as search engines are concerned. They want new and original content.

Zero Research Indicated

When you are typing your articles, you need to be as informative as possible. It is not good enough to be vague. It will give the reader the impression that you don’t know what you are talking about. So, instead of being unsure and saying, “there are some people that did something,” try to find an example of someone that actually did the thing you are talking about. Listing a specific name will lend credibility to your post.

Limit Social Proof

Many times, I see content creators add social media examples of what they are talking about. Instead of telling the reader the information, they rely on the words of others. When this is done, it makes the reader think that the social profile you linked to has more knowledge about the subject than you do. Limit the number of these proofs in your writing. Rather than link to the other person, credit them with a quote. This also shows that you did your research, as I discussed above.


I hope that you find this list of common major mistakes will help you to improve your online reputation. Just make sure that when you are writing your articles that you take the time to do your research and have a well-formulated plan on how you are going to show your reader that you are the best person to answer the questions they have.

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