Using Machine Learning to Advance Your Online Reputation

This may not seem like the correct place for a topic on machine learning but trust us it is. Machine learning can influence several different aspects of the internet. This machine learning is responsible for autocomplete and the advertisements that you get when you are surfing the web. It is for this reason that we have decided to share with you how machine learning can influence your online reputation.

Digital marketing is all about having the most amount of information at your fingertips as possible. Not only will it give you conversion rates on your latest social media campaign, but it can also tell you which campaigns are the most successful. This will allow you to replicate those to achieve the maximum amount of hits possible.

The more you know about individual channels, the better you can use your knowledge to optimize the interactions you get from your followers. The only problem with this data is there might be too much when it comes to social media. For instance, if you look at the numbers, you will find that Twitter reports that people make 6,000 tweets a second. Facebook says they have more than 31 million posts per minute. Instagram claims 95 million post per day. Granted, you will not be analyzing all of that, but it is something to think about.

To better understand what we are talking about when it comes to machine learning, we will give you a brief overview before we let you know how it can help you.

Artificial Intelligence

Just remember, everything we will be talking about today will fall under this category. All other terms we will be using for this are only subsections of artificial intelligence. That being said, artificial intelligence is described as the art of making a machine think and act like a human. Included in this is speaking, reading, writing, and decision making. When you are thinking of artificial intelligence, think of things like Alexa or Siri. They have a rigid set of rules that dictate what they will relay to their human counterparts.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subsection of artificial intelligence (AI). This is where humans give detailed information to a machine and then program it to learn from its successes and failures. This can be shown by examining the victory of AlphaZero over Stockfish 8. Alpha zero was given the rules of chess and took four hours to learn it.

Deep Learning

Deep learning is one of the many ways that you can teach a machine to learn. The computer has several complex subsystems that mimic neural networks in humans. Deep learning is responsible for such things as Google and many other search engines. The key to deep learning is recognizing patterns and capitalizing on that information. When you think of deep learning, think of autocomplete on a search engine’s address bar.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of the definitions that we are dealing with, this should be much easier to explain. When it comes to social media, and by extension, online reputation, deep learning is the answer. It is all well and fine to search the internet and post on social media. However, it would be all for nothing if we could not track what people wanted to see.

In the early days of Google, it would take much longer to return search results. Additionally, quite often, the search results were not precisely what the people were looking for. Over the years, algorithms were developed, and more accurate search results were achieved.

Below, you will find the result of what has transpired since those first days of search engines. We will also be providing you with the knowledge to use to make your brand stand out in a crowd.

More Data

Social media is reliant upon having copious amounts of data. It uses this information to better share with people the things you want them to see. With any luck, you will be tailoring your content to what interests others and not just yourself.

Having access to this becomes irrelevant if you do not do something with it. That is why we suggest to always reviews your posts for the number of hits and interactions. While you could do all this manually, several programs will do this for you.

Having a copious amount of data will allow you to do other things as well. Included are abilities to glean insight from images you and another post, analyze text from other languages, and quickly identify essential conversations.

Important Conversations

The main thing you will want to do when promoting your brand is to make sure you are always interacting with your customers. Analytics can only take you so far. You can teach your third-party software to identify the things that matter to you most.

For example, you can add Google alerts for your brand or your name. This will allow you to be notified every time there is a mention. Once you receive your signal, you can head over to where your name is mentioned and join the conversation. This can be very important when it comes to times of brand crisis. The key is to interact with your customer as soon as possible to minimize then thinking you are attempting to avoid the situation.


We understand that this is a complex topic. There is no possible way to cover everything in a single blog post. Just keep in mind that information is the key to computers learning. The more they learn, the better they can help us in our daily lives. When you have to do the work yourself, it can take countless hours to complete. Give a machine the right information, and you will have what is essential to you in a matter of minutes, if not seconds. Since the dawn of computers, they were destined for great things. Let’s keep feeding them information so that we can have access to as much information as possible.

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