Ways to Handle A Senior Living Reputation Crisis

As the days, weeks, and months continue to tick away on this COVID-19 pandemic, more and more businesses are suffering from their online reputation. No other industry has taken quite as big a hit as the Senior Living industry. Nearly daily, we are told about another retirement home reporting an outbreak of COVID-19 cases. While it may be inevitable, these businesses will have to make amends for what has happened.

When the pandemic first arrived, we were told that we should protect the elderly and other people with underlying medical conditions. Almost immediately, all senior living centers closed their doors to any visitors. As most of them remain closed to this day, that means there is only one way the virus entered the building. It had to be a staff member that brought it in. This leaves many families wanting answers as to how they could let something like this happen.

These establishments are not much different than a doctor’s office or a hospital. They are filled with medical staff who should know better than put other people’s lives at risk and practice unsafe hygiene. Granted, they may not have been the original person that carried the virus in. They have family and friends that may have given it to them.

All that aside, I am going to assume you are reading this article because you are one of the many senior living centers that have had an outbreak at your location. Let’s look at some of how you can restore your faith in your patients and their families.

Positive Reputation

The point is likely lost if you have already had a breakout at your location. However, we can look at your online reputation instead. There may or may not be reviews about what is currently happening at your establishment. If there are, you need to own up to the mistakes and promise to make it right. Additionally, it would be best if you began having people write positive online reviews about your establishment. Reach out to people that have visited your location in the past and have them write a review. While there is not much incentive for them to do so, it never hurts to ask. Remember, if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.

Have A Plan

When this pandemic started, no one could anticipate the impact it would have on the world. After all, it was several weeks before people started reacting to the incident. The reason is that we are living in a world that is often too quick to respond to a specific topic. It is better to have all the facts before you randomly do something.

The same goes for your plan. It would help if you looked at what you can do your patients and their families. The number one thing you should have on your list is to communicate with everyone. That means you will need to open up the patients, their families, the government, and anyone else that needs to know.

Get your plans in place so that you are never caught off guard again. You should consider screening employees before starting work, in the cases where family and friends are allowed to visit, you should test them as well. In essence, you need to show people you are taking this problem seriously.

Give Them Hope

During this time, many families are unable to see their loved ones. Naturally, this is leaving them anxious and afraid. Let them know you are doing everything to keep their family members safe during these trying times.

When people don’t have control of a situation, they tend to get scared. I would suggest that you contact every patient’s family and let them know the status of their loved one. This may take extra time, and you may even have to hire some people to make these calls, but it will be worth it in the end. An informed family member is one that is less stressed in their daily life.

Be Honest

Since your employees are allowed to leave at the end of each day, they may contact someone with the virus. Once someone with the illness is identified, you owe it to your patients and their families to let them know this happened.

Should a patient contract the virus, you are obligated to let them, and their family knows. Assure them that you will do everything in your power to make sure they survive the virus. That shouldn’t be too hard considering the recovery rate.


Daily, you should provide an update to all residents and their families. That does not mean that you have to call them, but it would be a nice touch. Some families will not have the ability to be home at the time of your call. In these cases, you should have additional ways they can keep informed.

I would suggest that you use your social media platforms and post daily updates. These updates should include the number of patients who have contracted the virus and the number of patients that have recovered. You will want to avoid mentioning the number of people that have died. That is not going to make anyone feel any better about having someone they love in your residence.

Also, you are going to want to avoid mentioning patients by name. This is privileged information that should only be released to someone that is related to the patient.


If you follow the steps above, not only will your name be preserved in community, but online as well. The longer that you can go without having to deal with a breakout at your location, the better. Always fall back to your online reputation in times of trouble. More than one company has been saved when they have their customers do the talking for them. Since people read reviews more than they read anything else, your online reputation will speak volumes about your character and what you can do for your patients.

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