Why Will Sending a Request for a Review via SMS Help Grow Business Reviews

Many businesses rely on social media and email marketing to help them promote their products and services. Email campaigns may be quite powerful when done correctly, allowing you to engage with customers while also encouraging reviews and acquiring new customers. As a result, acquiring your clients’ email addresses is an excellent first step toward increasing your revenue. You will have to go to great lengths to garner positive reviews to boost your online reputation.

Email marketing, on the other hand, is quickly being phased out in favor of text messaging technology for communication. According to the latest statistics, SMS texting has surpassed all other methods of reaching many people and delivering a message.

Below, you will find a few reasons I believe SMS messaging when soliciting reviews can be more productive than email marketing (which is not to say that email efforts should be abandoned!) Additionally, SMS messaging is well-suited for being incorporated into your marketing plan. 

Improved Opening Rates

The fact is that people have become very reliant on their mobile phones. Evidence suggests that we must interact with our phones when they are visible in the same room as us. Further studies show that people are never more than 3 feet from their phone at any point throughout the day. This includes times of sleep as well, by the way.

It’s also fair to assume that most cell phone users communicate primarily through texting. As a result, SMS marketing is a distinctive approach to reach your customers to promote to them or to ask for a review to help you boost your reputation online.

On the other hand, SMS texts have a 99 percent open rate. Furthermore, 97 percent of them are opened within 15 minutes of being delivered to the customer. Consider how lofty a goal that is. They are opened so rapidly increases the likelihood that they will notice and respond to an SMS asking for an opinion on something. This leads to a reduced bounce rate among communication with your customers.

Much More Likely to Receive a Response

People are always glued to their smartphones. When people receive a text message, it’s tough to resist reading it immediately, especially if the information is essential. If you send a text message that includes a link, you will undoubtedly receive a response. The response rate for SMS is eight times higher than that of email.

Because it is a quick and easy way to reply to or comply with a call to action, including a link to a review site increases the likelihood of receiving a response (call-to-action).

When you use an SMS marketing plan, you can anticipate receiving a more significant number of reviews due to the high response rate. It is recommended that you get your customer’s phone number and email address at the time of purchase. This way, you can send them communications quickly after the transaction is completed. The reason for this is that the fresher it is in someone’s mind, the better chances you have of not only getting a response but getting a favorable response.

Opening rates for email campaigns are approximately 20%, with click rates slightly lower – all dependent on the campaign, any discount or incentive, and the inventiveness of the sender. Compared to SMS marketing, encouraging customers to review via email is significantly more difficult. When you communicate with your customers via SMS, make sure you give them a link to the site you want them to interact with. It is not recommended that you send them a message to receive an email. This added step will only reduce the click rates you want.

Quick and Easy Copy & Paste

When it comes to email campaigns, you have to think outside the box. Successful campaigns necessitate a great deal of thought and, in some instances, the services of a copywriter.

You may keep things easy by using SMS messaging. Because the communications are brief and you don’t want to overwhelm your customers, most of the messages are succinct, to the point, and do not deviate from the topic at hand. Sometimes they may lead you to a review website right away. It is even better to include a link to a review site where you require further feedback to help improve your online reputation. 

Unlike email campaigns, SMS marketing tactics allow you to make things as basic as possible. The reason is two-fold. First, you don’t want to make it too complicated for your customer to provide you with the feedback you so desperately want. Second, you have a limited time and space window to communicate with your client.

Reviews Are Excellent For SMS

If you want to improve your website’s number of positive reviews, consider launching an SMS campaign.

Getting them to write a review is a simple and effective technique to motivate them. Because the link leads to a review site and text messages are difficult to ignore, it enhances the likelihood that the recipient will follow through. You might be apprehensive about investing in SMS marketing to obtain customer feedback. Text message marketing plans are challenging to organize and execute well, but review management software can help you.

Online reputation management software keeps track of all online reviews across all platforms. It enables immediate attention to be given to help reduce harmful outcomes. Your clients will be able to get their issues fixed while your internet reputation is protected.

Depending on the version, online review software can be prohibitively expensive. Alternatively, you would have to invest time in hiring an employee to manage reviews, or you would have to take time out of your schedule to do so. In any case, there is a price to pay. One will cost you a lot of money; the other will not. The choice is ultimately yours to make.

Review management software might be the key to successfully implementing a flawless SMS strategy to significantly increase consumer connection while simultaneously building your online reputation and reputation management software. Don’t let review management destroy your company’s success!

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