Boosting your Online Reputation Brand

The Age of Online Reputation Management

The age of selling yourself online is dead, well in a way. The keys to online reputation management (ORM) are now about obtaining social and knowledge authority that is authentic and that delivers an emotional connection with your target audience.
The online reputation brand (ORB) is your amplified visibility on mobile, video and content channels. Visitors to your landing pages will take mere seconds to identify you as a person of interest or not.
Quality Content that’s Authentic

Personal branding is no longer just about doing social media well, or doing SEO well or having an identifiable niche. In 2016, you must do everything well. This includes having an internet search reputation management service for those cases when you require reverse SEO for PR mishaps, for example.
For your content to orientated to the majority audience, it will have to be optimized for Millennials, mobile and have be scannable in seconds. This is because digital natives can see through sales-speak and advertising mode in seconds, you just won’t be able to convert them, never mind holding their interest.
When you are your brand, you’ll want to offer your audience a real backstage pass approach that’s identifiable, trust-centric and reciprocity building. For digital natives, social authority that’s aligned with corporate social responsibility (doing good) is more important than knowledge authority that strictly established you as credible source of expertise in the service you are offering.
To build an identifiable brand that is unique and can touch your audience emotionally as well as give them ‘ah ha’ moments with your thought leadership will require you to build a plan.

The Content Calendar

By optimizing a workflow that keeps your engagement with your audience fresh and insightful and easily scalable to new channels and sub-verticals and personas of your audience, it has to be seamless and evolve with your niche. It requires inspiration, passionate creative marketers and a social media presence that cares.
Using easy to use software to divide up tasks to optimize your online reputation brand can help like Trello. Trello allows you to create cards with information, checklists, links, images, descriptions, subtasks and the ability to schedule a due date. For this reason, it’s the perfect place to moderate your brand’s content calendar from tweets, to whitepapers, to video.

This 8-step plan can help you build your online reputation brand from the bottom up.

8 Steps to Boosting your Online Brand
Identify your audience
Identify the best channels
Create a content calendar & schedule
Break down the steps for each task
Find the right tools, software and tricks
Find the right resources, people to help you do it
Accomplish the tasks and be patient.
Monitor mentions, track progress and mitigate errors.
Always aim for authentic personable content & storytelling that keeps up with digital trends.