
How ORM Can Affect Your Personal Career If You Don’t Act Now

Surprisingly with all of the online scandals in the news from Trump’s tweets, to circulating celebrity nudes and leaked information, the Internet is not safe. If you think that your digital life is separate from you professional and personal life, it is definitely not. Did you know that more hiring firms will conduct a simple Google search to see what dirt they can find about you? Any slip up will give them reason to refuse you and move onto the next victim in their hiring process. Your online reputation strongly affects your professional career.

Think Before You Publish

Remember that picture of you at the local fraternity party chugging a beer from two floors above after convocation? Or the sexy picture you sent your ex who has a temper? While all of this is quite normal today, think before you do, post or send. Moreover, in today’s society, there is almost always a camera around you, filming you or photographing you.

Always be sure to ask yourself what others would think if they saw it. Put yourself in their shoes. What would your boss and coworkers think? What would your grandparents and parents think? Anyone that could have a bad opinion about the picture, what would they think? Ask yourself if you are being too revealing or if there is alcohol in the picture? What Halloween costume as you wearing? Is the naughty police officer or nurse what your coworkers should be seeing?

So many questions for one small post. Ask them all to yourself.

Additionally, if you want to share something that is specific to a certain friend group, set up the appropriate barriers to make sure that only they see it. This means dealing with privacy settings on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Make sure your account is private or just share your news and pictures in a private chat. Always consider who you are sending the information to as well.

Who Do You Represent

Somewhere online, you are probably linked to your company’s name among other things. Whether it is a direct link or a referral from it being mentioned in your social media somewhere, it is important that you consider who you’re affiliations are when you post on the Internet. Whatever you post is a reflection of them. If they get in trouble from it, that could get you into even more trouble.

Your online reputation drastically affects your professional and personal life. It could make or break relationships and personal opportunities. Be cognizant of what you post online. You never know when it is going to come back to you.