Internet Reputation Services image of a hashtag tracking graph.

Free Hashtag Tracking Tools to Use for Higher Post Reach

Everyone in the social media world understands the value of hashtags. What started as a feature on Twitter to help people find new content has evolved into a crucial part of social media marketing. Indeed, it would be an understatement to say that no social media campaign is complete without hashtags. This mini-guide to hashtags and top-rated hashtag tracking tools will come in handy if you want to improve your brand’s online reputation and make your campaigns more successful.

The Importance

Hashtags are words or phrases that are preceded by the number or pound mark “#.” They are used to increase content exposure and make it easier to find on social media platforms and websites. Hashtags provide a simple way for brands and companies to raise brand awareness, initiate dialogue with their target audience, and engage with them. Adding hashtags to a tweet, on the other hand, does not guarantee the desired scope and interaction. Instead, advertisers can build branded hashtags for their promotions and monitor how each hashtag performs. Regular hashtag analysis and tracking will enable you to pinpoint hashtags gaining traction and how you can improve their reach. Although the method may seem daunting, there are several free and straightforward analytical tools available for hashtag monitoring. Below, you will find several free analytic tools you can use to influence the strength of hashtags.

Tracking Tools


One of the most commonly used tools for tracking a hashtag’s success is RiteTag, which is part of RiteKit. Users may use the app to identify trending hashtags and use recommendations to increase interaction. You can use RiteTag to see which hashtags can help your content get more attention and reach, which ones are losing popularity, and how much recognition a hashtag has gotten so far. Trending hashtag updates, hashtag grouping (tag sets), and real-time hashtag analytics are some of RiteTag’s most notable features. RiteTag’s browser extension helps assess the potential of a hashtag you’re considering using.


Mentionlytics is a prevalent social media analytics tool that allows companies and brands to monitor brand or product mentions through social media platforms. Anyone can use the platform for online identity management, hashtag tracking, lead generation, competitor analytics, searching digital marketing influencers, and more, from start-ups to global companies and public figures to agencies. Mentionlytics provides a unique feature called “Social Intelligence Advisor” in addition to empirical data and statistical reports. This AI-powered function uses an algorithm to find brand mentions and other valuable reports. Not only that, but SIA also provides deep insights into the reports so that brands can make the most of them. Experts may also offer guidance on how to get the best out of the reports. Mentionlytics is convenient and straightforward to use; explore the tool to get started.


Another social media analytics tool you can use to improve your SMM campaigns is Keyhole. This hashtag monitoring app tracks hashtags in real-time on Instagram and Twitter. You can get an in-depth report on impressions, reach, the number of tweets, hashtag users, and more with this app. Account-level analytics and optimization features are available in Keyhole, making it simple to find high-performing hashtags. The tool also offers advice on how to plan and optimize posts for increased interaction. When a hashtag is typed into the dashboard, the tool displays a tag cloud of associated hashtags, which helps coordinate hashtag strategies. Furthermore, you will receive a complete timeline of your hashtag’s results, allowing you to see when it first began receiving impressions.


Hashtagify is a free hashtag monitoring app with a lot of functionality. Data such as hashtag popularity, associated hashtags, impressions and engagements, mentions, and more can be found here. The tool provides a detailed timeline of where and how the hashtag is most commonly used and how it will be used in the future. You can move between the ‘Advanced’ mode, which provides deeper insights into similar hashtags, and the ‘Table’ mode displays hashtag patterns when using this analytics tool.


TweetReach is designed to make social media marketers’ lives easier. This powerful tool does everything a hashtag monitoring app can do. This tool will help those who spend a lot of time and money on hashtag research improve their performance. Union Metrics’ TweetReach allows for real-time hashtag tracking through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can use this feature to find out when your hashtags were most used and who used them the most. The free snapshot analytics graphs hashtag popularity, influencers who use them when they’re most used, and more!


Another social media analytics platform, Socialert, offers a free hashtag performance monitoring service. Enter the hashtag, keyword, @mention, or account on the dashboard to get a detailed hashtag report. When you press enter, you’ll be presented with an informative auto-generated article. You can monitor active hashtag users, mentions, common keywords, influencers that use the hashtags, and more with this study.


Tagboard generates a visual report board with a snapshot of how the hashtag is doing. It compiles hashtag reports from various social media platforms to provide a comprehensive overview. The tool also suggests hashtags that are relevant and can be used to increase reach and interaction. When you search for a hashtag or keyword, a dashboard will populate with results from various social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You have the option of removing reports from a networking site where you are no longer involved. Tagboard’s intuitive and straightforward interface makes it simple to find mentions and discussions that matter to you. You may also respond to mentions in your report by retweeting, commenting, liking, replying, and sharing them.


Twubs is not at all like the hashtag monitoring tools described above. Instead, it’s a forum for starting a discussion around a hashtag. The tool allows users to search the hashtag directory for unique hashtag feeds and access the hashtag directory. Twubs will enable you to find common hashtags related to your brand or product and use them to boost your online presence. You may also start communicating with others by joining the hashtag chatroom. You may also create a hashtag chatroom centered on a specific hashtag and embed its feed into your blog or website.


Using TweetBinder if you’re new to social networking and don’t want to be distracted by complicated analytics and studies. This analytics tool will provide you with a detailed report on how your hashtag is doing. Furthermore, the reports are easy to read and understand. TweetBinder will show you how well your hashtag is doing, as well as who is using it. The tool also provides a comprehensive overview of tweets containing your hashtags and retweets on posts containing the hashtags. You’ll get a detailed rundown of retweets, comments, and tweets by kind, among other things.


Well, that about wraps it up. There are many excellent tools that you can use to make sure your content is spreading to the right places. It will also help boost your online reputation. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be more than happy to help you.